under cure

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网络  温度过高



  1. Catherine, last spring at this time, I was longing to have you under this roof, now, I wish you were a mile or two up those hills: the air blows so sweetly, I feel that it would cure you.
  2. I think using Chinese medicine under the TCM theory is the way to cure DPN in future.
  3. Objective The method of stabing skin and absorbing abscess liquid under the guide of type-B ultrasonic to cure maxillofacial space infection can avoid scar formation left after surgical operation.
  4. Microwave burning under endoscope is an effective, easy and cheap cure method for stomach mucous membrane prolapse.
  5. Even while this work gets under way, Dieffenbach said the definition of "cure" might be flexible as researchers discover the boundaries of the possible.
  6. Because the tumor usually exhibited a local effect, under carefully evaluating the development of neonates, it is promising to get complete cure.
  7. Nearly half of India's population of about 1 billion are under the coverage of DOTS. The cure rate for tuberculosis has exceeded 80%.
  8. These cases 'wounds were not healed though they had been under treatment with western medicine and Chinese medicinal herbs for a long time. 40 cases of them are cured in the one-stage treatment and cure rate is 88.99%.
  9. The cure kinetics of middle temperature curing 3234 epoxy resin system was studied under isothermal and dynamic curing conditions by Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC) technique. The cure kinetic equations were established.
  10. MMP-2 in HPMCs under the condition of glucose of high concentration trying to understand the significance of IFN-α on the prevention and cure of peritoneal fibrosis.
  11. Based on neural network technique, the model of soil ingredients and strength of lime stabilization is presented under optimum lime content and wet process cure and applied to predict the strength of lime stabilization.
  12. Conclusion Lateral retinaculum patellae solution and medial part reconstruction under arthroscope can effectively cure recurrent subluxation of the patella and improve knee joint function.
  13. Some quality problems existing under construction of mixed concrete structure with brick and monolithic reinforced concrete structure in architecture structural engineering and their preventive and cure are illustrated in the paper. It is just for reference of construction and teaching.
  14. Epidemiological Study on Overweight-obesity and the Relation of It with Hypertension and Other Related Factors in Population under Prevention and Cure for Cerebral-cardiovascular Diseases in Guizhou Township
  15. ASCERTAINMENT AND DISPOSITION OF WORN-OUT AIR-RAID SHELTER UNDER TEACHING BUILDING 10 patients underwent tumour excision ( radical cure and conservative cure), and 2 patients underwent ascertainment.
  16. Conclusion Submucous correction of nasal septum under nasal endoscopy is an effective method to cure unadults with DNS.
  17. Waterborne epoxy curing agent modified by Cardura E-10 and the cured mechanism under ambient cure conditions
  18. To implement a set of UI ( user interface) under Windows environment with VB advanced programming language which can make auxiliary diagnosis, cure and forecast to the patient.
  19. Conclusion Tube insertion combined with adenoidectomy under endoscope can improve the cure rate of SOM in children.
  20. Methods: The point and angle of puncture were determined with crossing positioning by elastic ring, and B ultrasonic guiding under needle channel the hard external conduit was placed via percutaneous puncture to draw out bursa fluid, then inject ethanol was injected to cure renal cyst.
  21. The cure kinetics of DGEBA/ Dicyandiamide ( DICY) system was investigated under temperature programming curing condition. Differential Scanning Calorimetry ( DSC) was the thermo-analytical technique used to determine the cure kinetics of this system.
  22. The results indicated that even in the heat under the certain time can be guaranteed the degree of cure when the content of curing agent was 1%.
  23. The third tailing pond of Pingguo Aluminum Industry Company locates under complicated karst geological condition. Therefore, investigating the characteristic and law of the karst development in the pond area and relative areas nearby is significant to prevent and cure the geological hazard for the project.